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Transition To A Healthier Lifestyle
Getting Started (1:11)
What To Expect
The Importance of Small Changes
12 Week Program Workbook
Week One-Mindset
Week 1 Objectives
Creating A Mental Shift
Finding Your Why
Identify What Is Holding You Back
What Are Your Goals?
Healthy Lifestyle Assessment
Week Two-Mindset
Week 2 Objectives
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Motivational Book
Daily Affirmations
Week Three-Mindset
Week 3 Objectives
Time Mangement
Congratulations! (1:07)
Week Four-Nutrition
Week 4 Objectives
Macronutrients vs. Micronutrients
What Should Your Plate Look Like?
Portion Control
Week Five-Nutrition
Week 5 Objectives
Benefits of Water
Healthy Drink List
Week 6-Nutrition
Week 6 Objectives
Plan Your Meals In Advance
Cheat Meal, NOT Cheat Day!
Swap This For That
Congratulations On Completing Phase 2!! (1:06)
Week Seven-Sleep
Week 7 Objectives
Importance of Sleep
Bedtime Routine
Week Eight-Self Reflection
Week 8 Objectives
Maintain Action Items From Previous Weeks
Congratulations On Completing Phase 3!
Week Nine-Physical Activity/Exercise
Week 9 Objectives
Benefits of Being Active
Physical Activity vs. Exercise
Exercise Recommendations
Action Item: Increase Activity and Exercise
Full Body Workout (12:33)
Week 10-Physical Activity/Exercise
Week 10 Objectives
What Is Your Core?
Action Item: Exercise
Core Workout (8:25)
Full Body Workout (12:33)
Week 11-Physical Activity/Exercise
Week 11 Objectives
High Intensity Interval Workout
Action Item: Exercise
HIIT Workout (5:23)
Knee Friendly HIIT Workout (3:49)
Full Body Workout (12:33)
Core Workout (8:25)
Congratulations On Completing Phase 4!
Week 12
Week 12 Objectives
Consistency and Discipline
Plan Your Week
Support Network
No Excuses
Congratulations On Completing The Course!!!!
End Of Course Survey
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Creating A Mental Shift
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